Thursday, January 28, 2010

Warmer, and Warmer....

It is getting warmer and warmer in Bama! We have enjoyed several afternoons outside playing on all the fun things that are out there. It is even more enjoyable because now Sophia is enjoying things other than just sitting in the swing. Only problem is that she wants to eat the sand and mulch!

We are now watching a little girl from across the street. Her name is Faith and both girls love her. Emma loves being a little mother and Sophia tries to dominate her!

Sophia is eating big girl foods and we can't believe that she will be turning 1 year! Seems like just yesterday we were getting ready to bring her home from the hospital!

Sophia is starting to drink out of a sippy cup and we were having problems with Emma drinking out of her cup and vis versa. So we took a suggestion from Aunt Carrie and now Emma is drinking out of a big girl cup. She will occasionally steal a sip from Sophia's cup....but is sticking with the big girl cup for the most part!

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