Monday, January 11, 2010

Christmas at the Waggoner's

This was the first time in Zach and I's marriage that we have spent Christmas in our own home! It was so nice!!! It was also the first time in a LONG time that it has felt like Christmas morning....Why? Emma was so excited to open gifts and was so happy to play with all her goodies. We were all so excited to finally have someone who is so excited about it again! Mom came down a few days before and we spent some together and tried to prepare for every one's arrival. Dad and Brett came down a few days later, and Chad, Katie and Danessa ended up here later that evening!

We spent alot of time playing games!
Christmas morning!!!

The girls loved opening their presents! They also loved Uncle Chad for manning the knife to open all the packages!

Santa came and Zach was kind enough to stay up and help him!

We had an amazing Christmas morning at the Waggoner house!

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