Thursday, January 28, 2010

Warmer, and Warmer....

It is getting warmer and warmer in Bama! We have enjoyed several afternoons outside playing on all the fun things that are out there. It is even more enjoyable because now Sophia is enjoying things other than just sitting in the swing. Only problem is that she wants to eat the sand and mulch!

We are now watching a little girl from across the street. Her name is Faith and both girls love her. Emma loves being a little mother and Sophia tries to dominate her!

Sophia is eating big girl foods and we can't believe that she will be turning 1 year! Seems like just yesterday we were getting ready to bring her home from the hospital!

Sophia is starting to drink out of a sippy cup and we were having problems with Emma drinking out of her cup and vis versa. So we took a suggestion from Aunt Carrie and now Emma is drinking out of a big girl cup. She will occasionally steal a sip from Sophia's cup....but is sticking with the big girl cup for the most part!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Waggoners Come for a visit!

We had a last minute thrown together visit from Zach's side of the family! It was so GREAT to have all of us together. Sara and her friend Jamar came into town on Wednesday, Pat and Trina arrived Friday afternoon and Jon arrived Friday night. We spent alot of time sitting, talking, playing games, and eating!!!

Ma bought Emma bath flutes!

Ice cream!!!!!!

Out to dinner, what a nice time we had!


Wonderful time! Can't wait for us all to get together again! Who knows what will happen next time!

The Beach

We couldn't very well go to Florida and not go to the beach! We took both girls and let them play in the sand. Emma had a blast and Sophia just wanted to cuddle with mommy because it was sooo cold! Zach took Emma's shoes and socks off, rolled up her pants and let her wade in the water. After about a minute of that, she decided she wanted to go swimming. So the ride back to the cabin, she was stripped down to her diaper and covered up with a towel!

My little Bea!

I think that this has to be one of the most amazing pictures that I have ever taken! I love it soooo much!

Playing in the sand and trying to build sand castles!


The Molinder side of the family all met at our house for Christmas and we had a blast. The day after, we all jumped in our cars and headed for Niceville/Destin Florida. We were able to rent a cabin and RV site at the Mid Bay Shores Military campground. It is a very nice and inexpensive way for us to all get together and spend time in a warmer place! We took Emma to the Gulfarium and she had a blast! This child loves her animals!

Looking at the HUGE alligator!
Sea lion, she thought that they made sounds like a lion.

She was so excited to see a dolphin show!

The touch pool, she was more excited about playing in the water than touching a Horse Shoe Crab!

Christmas at the Waggoner's

This was the first time in Zach and I's marriage that we have spent Christmas in our own home! It was so nice!!! It was also the first time in a LONG time that it has felt like Christmas morning....Why? Emma was so excited to open gifts and was so happy to play with all her goodies. We were all so excited to finally have someone who is so excited about it again! Mom came down a few days before and we spent some together and tried to prepare for every one's arrival. Dad and Brett came down a few days later, and Chad, Katie and Danessa ended up here later that evening!

We spent alot of time playing games!
Christmas morning!!!

The girls loved opening their presents! They also loved Uncle Chad for manning the knife to open all the packages!

Santa came and Zach was kind enough to stay up and help him!

We had an amazing Christmas morning at the Waggoner house!