Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Halloween in Indy

The girls and I were able to make a nice long visit to Indy the week before Halloween. Zach wasn't able to make it because of a new duty he had been assigned. He had a lot of work to get done and I think he was really ready for some alone time. We were able to visit lots of family and the girls had an amazing time. And I was able to get a night out and see some old friends!

We took the girls Trick or Treating at the high school for a "safe" Trick or Treating night. Emma was very shy at first, but soon after she realized that she was getting candy, the shyness went away.

My Elmo and Cookie Monster.

Sorry we don't have more pictures of our trip home, but mom took most of the pictures and we weren't able to transfer the pictures.

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