Sunday, October 4, 2009

Waggoner House 2

Major Developments: Sophia is pulling herself up and standing!!! She is pulling herself up on, coffee table, people! She is doing great and I think that she will be walking very soon! She does have one problem with all of this....she likes to use her forehead as her break! She has several small bruises on her forehead because when she falls, she always falls forward and uses it to stop her. If we can get her to put her arms out, then I think we will have all this mastered and then we will have two rambling wrecks running around the house!

Another Major Development: Emma is starting a "Mothers Day Out" pre-school program on Wednesday. She will go every Wednesday from 9 am until 2:15 pm. We went and bought her a new book bag and lunch box. She seems to be very excited and loved the facility when we toured it. Anna is looking forward to being able to run errands and get things done around the house with only one kiddo in tow. So don't bother us on Wednesday!

Emma in her big girl panties!!!

Sophia loves to sit at our front window and watch. Our own little stalker!

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