Sunday, October 4, 2009

Jon's AIT Graduation

Wow, what a long time since we have posted anything. We have been very busy lately, but what is new?! We went to Jonathan's AIT graduation about three weeks ago. It was a very nice visit with lots of family. We got to see Pat, Trina, Granddad, Reva, Granny, Jennifer & Jonathan. We were there for a small turning blue ceremony and then for the big ordeal. And in between we were able to have a cook out at the cabin we stayed in and just relax and have some fun.

The graduation ceremony.
Emma and all her goodies from Granny. She was more than happy to parade around entertaining everyone!

Pops and his girls.

Pat and Trina with Jonathan on graduation day!

Pat turning Jonathan's cord blue!
It was such a wonderful time and we are so very proud of Jonathan. He and his friend Mary came back to Alabama with us for a few days. He headed to Indiana for a few days and he took the tahoe out of the back yard so we were very very excited to have that out of the back yard!!

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