Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Waggoners on the move!

So, long time no update....sorry. Emma has started her "Mothers Day Out" program. She goes from 9:00 to 2:15 ever Wednesday and she loves it. We pack her lunch box and off she goes. She apparently has so much fun that when we pick her up, she doesn't want to come home. She leaves crying "more play please!"

Emma sitting with Daddy in his man cave!

The girls are really starting to play so very very well together. They can destroy the play room in less than 5 minutes, but I don't care when I see this! Sophia is walking holding onto things. She will be fully mobile in no time! She is doing very well with her baby food, but we are still having problems with her spitting up. She will be going in for a "Swallow Study" on Wednesday.

We went to the Autauga county fair! It is only about a 5 minute walk from our house so we went to check it out. Daddy said no rides but......

She explained just how much she needed to go on it and he gave in, but he made mommy go with her.

The Waggoner girls will be leaving Bama for Indy on Sunday, so make sure you get a hold of us and we will stop by!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Waggoner House 2

Major Developments: Sophia is pulling herself up and standing!!! She is pulling herself up on anything...toys, coffee table, people! She is doing great and I think that she will be walking very soon! She does have one problem with all of this....she likes to use her forehead as her break! She has several small bruises on her forehead because when she falls, she always falls forward and uses it to stop her. If we can get her to put her arms out, then I think we will have all this mastered and then we will have two rambling wrecks running around the house!

Another Major Development: Emma is starting a "Mothers Day Out" pre-school program on Wednesday. She will go every Wednesday from 9 am until 2:15 pm. We went and bought her a new book bag and lunch box. She seems to be very excited and loved the facility when we toured it. Anna is looking forward to being able to run errands and get things done around the house with only one kiddo in tow. So don't bother us on Wednesday!

Emma in her big girl panties!!!

Sophia loves to sit at our front window and watch. Our own little stalker!

Waggoner House

Sophia is doing very well with her cereal and baby food. She is very eager to eat! She loves sitting at the table and eating while her big sister is. Emma sits at the table and says "Eat Bia!" We have yet to find something that the little chunk won't eat!

Emma just loves her arts and crafts time! She is constantly asking to color or paint. We bought her some paint packs and she loves it. She is very focused and works very hard to make sure that she uses every last drop of paint in the containers!

Sophia is loving some cookies!

Emma is doing very well with her potty training. She lets us know when she has to go to the bathroom by saying "Ewwa." She is still having some "bm" accidents in her big girl panties. She still wears diapers when we go out and at nap time and bed time, but is doing so well!

I still can't get over how well the girls are playing together. When Sophia cried, Emma will come and get me or pat her on the head and say "Ok, Bia!"

Jon's AIT Graduation

Wow, what a long time since we have posted anything. We have been very busy lately, but what is new?! We went to Jonathan's AIT graduation about three weeks ago. It was a very nice visit with lots of family. We got to see Pat, Trina, Granddad, Reva, Granny, Jennifer & Jonathan. We were there for a small turning blue ceremony and then for the big ordeal. And in between we were able to have a cook out at the cabin we stayed in and just relax and have some fun.

The graduation ceremony.
Emma and all her goodies from Granny. She was more than happy to parade around entertaining everyone!

Pops and his girls.

Pat and Trina with Jonathan on graduation day!

Pat turning Jonathan's cord blue!
It was such a wonderful time and we are so very proud of Jonathan. He and his friend Mary came back to Alabama with us for a few days. He headed to Indiana for a few days and he took the tahoe out of the back yard so we were very very excited to have that out of the back yard!!