Monday, November 22, 2010

Where does time go?

Wow, it is still amazing to me how quickly time flies. I just realized we have been in our house for 2 months. Things here in Michigan are going very well. Zach is still loving his job and working lots. He has done a million things to the house. This past week he finished the drywall in Emma's room and painted it. I have joined MOMS and MOPS...two amazing groups of moms who get together and talk, craft, and give advice. I love going and talking with other moms who are dealing with the same issues in life. The girls love it also. We normally have a melt down about the time I say "It's time to go home." The girls are doing great. We just joined the library down the street and have been almost everyday. The girls love it. Emma knows that she gets to pick out several books and play with puzzles. The library is VERY small, but nice. I can walk anywhere in there and see the girls at the puzzle table. We have been busy gearing up for a visit from Matt, Pat, and Danessa for some Turkey! Can't wait for some more family time and relaxing. Hope you all have an amazing holiday. (Promise there will be pictures soon!)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Major Changes!

Wow, I can't believe how long it has been since I have updated this!!! We have had so many changes since the last update. Short version, Zach got out of the military on July 1st, we moved to Michigan, lived in a small shoebox (apartment) for a few months while we looked for a house. We closed on our house recently and Zach has been working at Selfridge Air National Guard Base for a few months and loving it. The girls have adjusted well to all the changes and are loving the new big back yard!!! We have already had several visitors. Matt, Pat, Chad and Katie came up the weekend after we closed to help move. Danessa and Brett came up last weekend to visit over Danessa's Fall Break. We had visit from Pat and Trina this last week and the girls had way to much fun playing with Pops! Pat and Matt will be up this weekend! We have tons to do around the house and it will take lots of work, but we are so very excited for it all.

The house. There are a million things that need to be done, but finally....a house that it ours!

Playing with Pops in the backyard. He found this ball on the other side of the fence and it has since provided hours of entertainment! Emma is doing great. She loves playing in the back yard and we are still working on potty training. She is a great big sister and loves going to play group every week.

My happy little girl. Sophia is learning so many new words and is even sitting on the potty while big sis goes to the bathroom. Who knows, maybe I can get a 2 for 1 in potty training?!

My happy babies! Dress up is a big part of every day!

We celebrated Zach's 28th birthday right after moving in. Emma made a cake, iced it, and put the candles in. We have a very nice evening.

Hope everyone is doing well! We have the same e-mail addresses, but there have been some changes to phone numbers and of course the address so please let me know if you need new numbers! Take care and can't wait to see you all!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Letter Weeks

We have started working on a letter a week. Emma has come home from her MDO program loving all the crafts that she is doing and wanting to do more. I made the occasional craft with her but decided to try and add some educational "stuff" with it. So, on Mondays we recognize the letter and then throughout the week, we do crafts and activities that start with that letter. She loves it and has woken up several morning saying "project!"

C week - Clouds
C week - Painting a car
B week - Button collage

A week - we painted an apron!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Best Day Ever! Cont...

Just some additional pictures of the girls decorating and eating cup cakes and opening presents!

Best Day Ever!

Emma had the best day ever on February 12th! It was Sophia's 1st Birthday and Zach had a snow day! We woke up and colored, had blueberry muffins, played in the snow, finger painted, had pizza for lunch and dinner (per Emma's request!) decorated cupcakes, ate them, had bathes (one of the girls FAVORITE things) then opened presents! What more could a kid ask for?!
Emma was helping Daddy order pizza.

Finger painting!

Sophia tried it, but was more interested in eating it!

The snow. Sophia wanted nothing to do with it! Emma LOVED it!

Blueberry muffins for the Birthday girl!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Early Valentines Day

Zach is such a softy when it comes to the girls. Emma talked him into letting her and Sophia open their Valentines Day gifts from Granny early. He doesn't know how to say NO!
Sophia was very excited to try and eat some tissue paper!

Emma was so excited for some candy!

Working hard to get it open!

Random Waggoner Pictures

Here are some random pictures from our house this month.
Emma and Sophia both love to hide in my kitchen cabinet. I was playing peek a boo with them!

Sara Waggoner much?!?!?!

Fashion at it's finest!

Trying to figure out why the girls were talking during nap time, walked in and this is what I wonder they weren't sleeping!

My sick little girls like to cuddle!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Celebrating Sophia's Birthday

We hosted a Super Bowl/Sophia Birthday party! We had the neighbors and Zach's co-workers over for some good food, cake, ice cream, and the game. Us Waggoner's were the only Colts fans in attendance, but we had a good time.

Emma, enjoying some birthday cake and ice cream!

Sophia, digging into her birthday cake.

"Give me that camera!"

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Mardi Gras

Prattville seems to have a parade for everything. We went to the Mardi Gras parade on Saturday and the girls came home with some serious loot! Everything was thrown out from necklaces to plastic drinking cups and moon pies. They had a blast and were so excited to see horses and dogs! What can I say, the girls love their animals.

Sophia could hardly stand with all her necklaces!

Their loot on the kitchen floor!

It was so very very cold! Sophia was not as thrilled as Emma to be there!

Waiting for it to begin!

Emma, loving all the necklaces. Several people on floats dished out extras because she was so cute!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Warmer, and Warmer....

It is getting warmer and warmer in Bama! We have enjoyed several afternoons outside playing on all the fun things that are out there. It is even more enjoyable because now Sophia is enjoying things other than just sitting in the swing. Only problem is that she wants to eat the sand and mulch!

We are now watching a little girl from across the street. Her name is Faith and both girls love her. Emma loves being a little mother and Sophia tries to dominate her!

Sophia is eating big girl foods and we can't believe that she will be turning 1 year! Seems like just yesterday we were getting ready to bring her home from the hospital!

Sophia is starting to drink out of a sippy cup and we were having problems with Emma drinking out of her cup and vis versa. So we took a suggestion from Aunt Carrie and now Emma is drinking out of a big girl cup. She will occasionally steal a sip from Sophia's cup....but is sticking with the big girl cup for the most part!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Waggoners Come for a visit!

We had a last minute thrown together visit from Zach's side of the family! It was so GREAT to have all of us together. Sara and her friend Jamar came into town on Wednesday, Pat and Trina arrived Friday afternoon and Jon arrived Friday night. We spent alot of time sitting, talking, playing games, and eating!!!

Ma bought Emma bath flutes!

Ice cream!!!!!!

Out to dinner, what a nice time we had!


Wonderful time! Can't wait for us all to get together again! Who knows what will happen next time!

The Beach

We couldn't very well go to Florida and not go to the beach! We took both girls and let them play in the sand. Emma had a blast and Sophia just wanted to cuddle with mommy because it was sooo cold! Zach took Emma's shoes and socks off, rolled up her pants and let her wade in the water. After about a minute of that, she decided she wanted to go swimming. So the ride back to the cabin, she was stripped down to her diaper and covered up with a towel!

My little Bea!

I think that this has to be one of the most amazing pictures that I have ever taken! I love it soooo much!

Playing in the sand and trying to build sand castles!