Sunday, August 23, 2009

Fun around our house!

Sophia is sitting up on her own for a few minutes at a time. She is also sooo close to crawling! Any minute now and I will have two that I will have to be looking out for as I walk through the house!

Our neighbor let Emma sit in the front seat of the cop car. She loved it and thought that it was to cool. Her favorite part was hitting the lights and playing with the hand cuffs!

Nana came down Wednesday night to help with the rug rats while I had some minor out patient surgery. Things went well, there were a few things that they weren't able to do, but hopefully I should be feeling like my old self in a week.

Emma now knows the whole song of "The wheels on the bus!" She can sing most of the words and knows all the motions!

When Nana came down she brought several play outfits and shoes. Emma has been in heaven trying all the different things on!

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