Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Updates 3!!!

Ok, so after all of those visits, things are starting to get back to normal! Emma is really becoming very protective of Sophia and always wanting to kiss and hold her.

The girls cuddling this morning while watching some cartoons!

Look at all her rolls!!!!

We woke up yesterday and it was raining outside! The first rain we have had in weeks. So Zach built the girls a fort to keep them busy.

Emma loved it so much and spent most of the day in it!

Things here are going very well. Zach is staying very busy with work. Emma and Sophia are both doing very well also. Emma is learning new words and signs daily. We even have been taking some steps to start potty training and getting the whole idea into Emma's noggin! We have had a few concerns about Emma's speech, so on Wednesday Emma is going to have a speech screen at play group. Sophia is doing very well. She has started eating baby cereal and baby food and is doing amazing with it. She is sitting up very well with assistance and will be doing it on her own in no time.

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