Thursday, July 16, 2009


The weather down here has been very hot. We have to go out and play in the back yard first thing in the morning, otherwise it is just to hot. We are supposed to have some rain this week that should help with the heat, but we will see.

Emma is such a good big sister. She is constantly trying to do things for or with Sophia. Today she was pushing her in the swing and then when we came in she was letting her play with some of her toys. (This consisted of Emma piling several toys in Sophia's lap!)

Sophia is doing very well with sitting up and rolling over. I put her in the middle of the living room floor and went to do some dishes, by the time I walked back into the living room....she was in front of the front door.
We have some amazing neighbors. They know that Emma has a slight obsession with "Moos." So they took us out to their father's farm and let Emma feed some of the "Moos." She had no fear of any of them. The Bull walked right up to her and started licking her feet and she laughed. Made Zachary and I a little nervous, but she wasn't at all.

"Moos, Moos, Moos!"

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Updates 3!!!

Ok, so after all of those visits, things are starting to get back to normal! Emma is really becoming very protective of Sophia and always wanting to kiss and hold her.

The girls cuddling this morning while watching some cartoons!

Look at all her rolls!!!!

We woke up yesterday and it was raining outside! The first rain we have had in weeks. So Zach built the girls a fort to keep them busy.

Emma loved it so much and spent most of the day in it!

Things here are going very well. Zach is staying very busy with work. Emma and Sophia are both doing very well also. Emma is learning new words and signs daily. We even have been taking some steps to start potty training and getting the whole idea into Emma's noggin! We have had a few concerns about Emma's speech, so on Wednesday Emma is going to have a speech screen at play group. Sophia is doing very well. She has started eating baby cereal and baby food and is doing amazing with it. She is sitting up very well with assistance and will be doing it on her own in no time.

Updates 2!!!!!!!

Then the day after Ma and Pops left, Nana and Aunt Nessa came down. They offered to come down and stay with the girls so that Zachary and I could go to Destin, FL to celebrate our 6 year anniversary.

As Nessa said, "determination!"

Aqua doodle with Nana

Play Dough with Aunt Nessa

Sophia is getting so big!!!

Outdoor time with chalk, one of Emma's favorite things to do!


So sorry for the long silence from the Waggoner family, but we have been so very, very busy over the past few weeks! We had a quick visit from Chad Mathew's wife, Katie. She stopped by for a few days on her way from Florida to Indiana. We were so busy playing with the girls that we forgot to take any pictures!

About 4 days after Aunt Katie's visit, Ma and Pops (Pat and Trina) stopped in for a short visit! Zach pinned on E-6 (TSgt) and they came to pin him on and partake in the ceremony.

How we kept Emma quiet during the pinning on ceremony!

Ma and Sophia!

The pinning on punch!

Pops and Emma sporting some new shades!