Monday, November 22, 2010

Where does time go?

Wow, it is still amazing to me how quickly time flies. I just realized we have been in our house for 2 months. Things here in Michigan are going very well. Zach is still loving his job and working lots. He has done a million things to the house. This past week he finished the drywall in Emma's room and painted it. I have joined MOMS and MOPS...two amazing groups of moms who get together and talk, craft, and give advice. I love going and talking with other moms who are dealing with the same issues in life. The girls love it also. We normally have a melt down about the time I say "It's time to go home." The girls are doing great. We just joined the library down the street and have been almost everyday. The girls love it. Emma knows that she gets to pick out several books and play with puzzles. The library is VERY small, but nice. I can walk anywhere in there and see the girls at the puzzle table. We have been busy gearing up for a visit from Matt, Pat, and Danessa for some Turkey! Can't wait for some more family time and relaxing. Hope you all have an amazing holiday. (Promise there will be pictures soon!)