Monday, October 25, 2010

Major Changes!

Wow, I can't believe how long it has been since I have updated this!!! We have had so many changes since the last update. Short version, Zach got out of the military on July 1st, we moved to Michigan, lived in a small shoebox (apartment) for a few months while we looked for a house. We closed on our house recently and Zach has been working at Selfridge Air National Guard Base for a few months and loving it. The girls have adjusted well to all the changes and are loving the new big back yard!!! We have already had several visitors. Matt, Pat, Chad and Katie came up the weekend after we closed to help move. Danessa and Brett came up last weekend to visit over Danessa's Fall Break. We had visit from Pat and Trina this last week and the girls had way to much fun playing with Pops! Pat and Matt will be up this weekend! We have tons to do around the house and it will take lots of work, but we are so very excited for it all.

The house. There are a million things that need to be done, but finally....a house that it ours!

Playing with Pops in the backyard. He found this ball on the other side of the fence and it has since provided hours of entertainment! Emma is doing great. She loves playing in the back yard and we are still working on potty training. She is a great big sister and loves going to play group every week.

My happy little girl. Sophia is learning so many new words and is even sitting on the potty while big sis goes to the bathroom. Who knows, maybe I can get a 2 for 1 in potty training?!

My happy babies! Dress up is a big part of every day!

We celebrated Zach's 28th birthday right after moving in. Emma made a cake, iced it, and put the candles in. We have a very nice evening.

Hope everyone is doing well! We have the same e-mail addresses, but there have been some changes to phone numbers and of course the address so please let me know if you need new numbers! Take care and can't wait to see you all!