Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Just some fun pictures of the girls from the last week!

Christmas Crafts

So we have been having more structured days. Trying to work on shapes and colors. To try and break up the day we have been making some crafts. Emma loves it when I get the glue out!

Her "socks!"

The snowman...she had major issues with getting the glue on her hands!

I can't get over how big she is getting!

Christmas tree

I am so happy that she loves this type of activity. It makes my day seeing her so crafty and creative! Plus I have these wonderful treasures to remind me of this precious time in our lives!

Our girls and their dress up clothes!

Sophia is getting so big and has mastered walking! It is so funny to see her walking across the room after Emma. I'm used to Emma following me around, but now when I turn around, I have two behind me!!

They honestly play so well together, I am shocked everyday that I see them together like this.

My little mommy. She loves her dress up clothes and dolls. We watched a friends daughter last weekend and Emma was so worried about making sure that Cassidy had her blanket, sippy cup, and pacifier.

She is so into her dress up clothes, bracelets, shoes, and glasses. I have a hard time keeping her dressed in her normal everyday clothes!

Family Christmas Pictures

We had our family pictures taken for Christmas cards and such. Loved them, just wished that the girls would have worked with us a little more! Hope you enjoy!

Family Pictures Continued

My favorite picture!!!

Turkey Day

We were able to spend an amazing Thanksgiving at home in Indy with the Waggoner side of our family. Jon was able to drive up from Kentucky, Sara came from Virginia, and we were there from 'Bama. Not to mention all the other family members that are from the Indy area. We had fum eating, talking and playing lots of games.

Emma loved on her Aunt Sara quite a bit!

Sophia and Sara

Thursday, December 3, 2009

November Flew By!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We can not believe how quickly November flew by! It seems like just yesterday we were going Trick or Treating! We had a very busy month in November. November 13th, Chad and Danessa drove to Nashville and met the girls and I. They took the girls back to Indy and I headed back to 'Bama. Zach and I had two days where we accomplish quite a bit around the house and even slept in! Then that Monday morning we headed to New Orleans for the night. We stayed in a very nice hotel off Bourbon Street and I must say, we could have gone without stopping there. We felt very old seeing all that was going on! Tuesday morning we woke up and headed to San Antonio. Zach had a conference and I got to tag along. We stayed in a very nice hotel and while he went to his meetings, I went to the gym, watched tv and took NAPS! It was amazing. When he was done with his meetings, we were able to spend several of those nights on the Riverwalk. I loved it! We both agreed that we would have no problems living in San Antonio! Friday evening we packed up and hit the road. We made it north of Dallas and camped in the rain, doesn't sound like much fun but we had a blast. Then we got up the next morning with plans of stopping in St. Louis to tour the Arch. Zach had never been there and was too excited! We ended up getting there 10 minutes after it closed, so we just walked around in awe of it's size and structure. Then we headed home to see our girls because we didn't know how to act without them!

This is a brick that was purchased by my mom and dad to honor Zach and his service in the Air Force. It is located in the Veterans Memorial Park in Greenfield.

Sis, has started walking!!!!

Our little old lady!

