Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Emma the Diva

Just wanted to let everyone know that Emma is no longer a diva in training.......

...but now, she is a full on DIVA!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Wonderful Weekend

We had a wonderful weekend! Brett, Chad, Katie, and Danessa came down on Friday and the fun began. We spent all Saturday playing with the girls and watching college football. Emma loved having everyone around (She could talk them into letting her do things that she knew mommy and daddy wouldn't let her get away with!)

Playing the favorite "I'm gonna get you!" She loved it!

Even convinced Uncle Chad to play on the slip n slide with her! I think he enjoyed it more than she did!

Aunt Tere sent down a robot. Emma is very afraid of it when it is walking, but when it is standing still....she man handles the poor thing! Sophia loves to push him over!

Uncle Butt with Sophia, trying to keep her from rolling under the coffee table.

Having way to much fun...good thing Nessa came down with them. She WILL say no if needed!
All in all, we had a great weekend and we are very looking forward to this up coming weekend getting to see Jon graduate from AIT and see alot of family on Zach's side of the family.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Summer already over?

We still can't believe that today is September 1st!!! Where did the summer go? Don't get me wrong, it is still hotter than heck down here, but it is starting to let up very slowly. Even though we still have temps in the mid to high 80's all the pools are closed! We have had a busy summer and have been blessed by all the trips/visits we have had with our family and friends this summer. We are having Brett, Chad, Danessa, and Katie down this weekend. We are so excited for their visit. Then the following Thursday we get to see most of Zach's family when we attend Jon's AIT graduation! Yay for getting to see family!

Emma, who Saturday morning at 5:45 brought me a can of ravioli and a can opener and said, "Mommy, Emma eat!" Then she proceeded to CORRECTLY place the can opener on the can! This child is so much trouble, yet so much fun!

Sophia is sitting up and can even move from her belly to a sitting up position like she has been doing it for days! She is still "almost" crawling. She is getting so frustrated with herself because she is going backwards, not forwards to get whatever toy it is that she wants!

We have been spending alot of time outside to let Emma release some energy and to just get out of the house. Emma made a few new friends at play group and we have had them over to the house for a play group. Really hoping that this will continue because it is helping Emma to deal with her issue of "sharing." Emma had her 2 year well baby check up and weighs in at 30 pounds 2 ounces and is meeting all her markers. She loves going to the doctor because she tries to play with everything in the check up room that she isn't supposed to, but the doctor lets her!

This kid cracks me up, just way to much fun. Such a happy baby! She had her 6 month well baby and of course got her shots. She weighed in at 17 pounds 7 ounces. She is meeting all her markers and is doing very well. We have introduced some baby food and she is having a blast with it. Emma has even been trying to feed her. I will try to get a picture up asap of that!