Wednesday, June 17, 2009

More family pictures!

Well, here they are as promised!

The Waggoner Family!!

The Waggoner family - Both girls are screaming, but I am still hanging it on the wall!!! They can look back in a few years and ask why and I will say "I hung it up to show your true colors!" HA HA!

Zach and I. We haven't had a picture of just the two of us in years!!!!

Our family and mom's cellphone!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Bling Bling

We had our pictures taken with both sides of the family while we were home. (I plan to put the Waggoner pictures up as soon as I get them!) I thought these turned out really nice!

Emma got some "real" play dough! She was even nice enough to let Bailey eat some!

On Saturday we took Sophia to get her ears pierced! She only cried for a second and hasn't even noticed them since! She is doing very well at rolling over and keeping her head up! She is getting so big and looking more and more like Emma every day!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Rain Rain go away!

Whew! The girls are finally getting over their different sicknesses! Emma had a cold and a viral infection and Sophia had a cold. Those few days when neither wanted to sleep, and be held all day was really wearing on mommy! But they are doing much better and are back to their "go go" attitudes!

Sophia has been keeping her head up for extended periods of time, so we brought out the bumbo seat! She is good in it for about 5 minutes, then she is done!

We woke up and it was raining! Emma kept saying and signing "swim." So since we couldn't go outside, we made some homemade play dough! Emma tried to eat it only once! She must have tasted the cup of salt! Emma enjoyed playing with it for 30 minutes, which is an eternity for that little girl!

She loved mommy's cookie cutters! We are going to have to invest in some food color because the white play dough was BORING!

And best of all, Sophia rolled over! She did it once yesterday and then seemed like she was a pro! I can't believe that she is 3 and 1/2 months old! She is looking more and more like Emma everyday!