Sunday, May 31, 2009

Home...Part 2

Emma kept everyone entertained while at Aunt Nessa and Uncle Brett's softball game. She did everything from coloring to handing out DIRT! Apparently more people paid attention to her than to the game....go figure!

Emma was not that interested in how much of a kid Uncle Chad is. He had more fun playing with her toys than she did that morning......

Mom's dog Max and Chad Mathew's dog Leo cuddling with Sophia! They all were surprisingly great with her!

Sophia's Baptism. Brett is her Godfather and Sara is her Godmother!


We had a great time while we were home! It has to have been one of the busiest trips home ever! We were going from the moment we got there and we didn't stop until we loaded up and headed home! We had family pictures taken on both sides. This is a very rare occurrence, seeing as how most of the kids on both sides of the family are military and we are RARELY ever all together! We attended Zach's brother's graduation! We even got to sneak in some "adult" time at Carb day!!! We also had various family functions and Sophia was baptized!

These are the military kids in our family. Zach - Air Force, Jon - is currently in Army Boot in Fort Benning GA, Sara - Navy, Chad Mathew - Marines. Needless to say we are very proud of them and all they do for our country!

Jon was the first to graduate with honors in the schools 144 years and he was the valedictorian! We are very proud of him and all that he accomplished there!

The Waggoner kiddos!

The Molinder kiddos.

Our Uncle Mark was able to snag us some garage passes! We were able to hang out with our Cousin Chris and Uncle Mark for awhile. Zach and Chad were even able to sneak into John Andretti's garage and ask Mark and Chris a million questions!
More to come soon!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Hot Summer already!

We have had 90 degree weather for the past few days, so Emma got a pool! She adores it! She played in it for over an hour today and cried, signing and saying "More Please" when I told her it was time to eat dinner!

I walked into the living room this morning and saw this. I am so happy that they get along, even if it may only be for a few more months!

So, I did theme pictures with Emma and wanted to do them with Sophia. This is all we could get out of her yesterday! Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Long time.....

Wow, have we been busy recently. Zach and I decided to make a last minute trip up to Kentucky to see Ma and Pops. It was the first time that we had seen them since Sophia was born. We had a really good time! We spent time hanging out on the boat and even went into Somerset, went to visit Ma's friends Bertha and Betty, and saw tons of old cars and bikes.

Pops and Sophia

Emma decided that she was going to steer the boat!

Emma doesn't appear to be afraid of anything, especially the water. So she had to wear for life vest for awhile. She didn't seem to mind it at all!

We got a second swing for the swing set so both of the girls can swing. Emma loves it and Sophia falls asleep every time we put her in it, so I assume she loves it too!

Emma is learning so much every day. Today she had three matchbox cars in her purse and she pulled them out and lined them up on the table. Then she counted, "One, Two, Three!" We were very excited that she remembered! She has been wearing her princess high heels around the house all week. She even wore them on a walk earlier in the week. I told her to get her shoes and she brought me her heels! OH MY!

Sophia is holding her head up on her own for several minutes at a time. We think that the acid reflux is taking a back seat. She hasn't been crying when she is laid flat on her back and she isn't spitting up as much. We have a doctors app. next week to check on her weight (she seems to be a tad bit on the smaller side.)