Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Sophia is still doing very well. She has started eating more in the past few days. Hopefully she put on enough weight that the doctors won't be concerned at her next well baby. She is almost sleeping through the night. She goes down at 11pm and wakes up at 4:45 am. I can't wait for more than 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep!!!!!!!!!

Emma is fabulous and she will tell you! Her most current obsession is brushing her teeth, which I guess I shouldn't complain about! She asks about 5 times a day if she can "bush." She is also getting into "fish movies." She has been wanting to watch "Finding Nemo" and "Shark Tales" over and over. When we put the DVD in and the movie starts to play...she freaks out signing and saying "fish."

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Sophia has been holding her head up on her own for long periods of time. Not much longer before she is doing it all the time and rolling over! She is doing very well sleeping in her crib now. Zach and I were very excited to get the bassinet out of the room. We stubbed our toe every time we went to get her!

Emma learned two new signs/words yesterday. Cheese and Car. This little girl adores her cheese! Zach took her with him to get donuts this morning and bought her some donut holes. He left for work and she is on a sugar high!!! Emma is still continuing to do very well with sleeping in her bed on her own. We are so very excited and proud of her!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Girls

Sophia had her 2 month well baby visit today. She is weighing in at 10 pounds 2 ounces and is 22 inches long. She is on the smaller side so we will have to go back in one month to check and make sure that everything is progressing as needed. She met all her 2 month markers and is doing very well! She is finally starting to fit into "normal" clothes, not just sleepers!

Emma is having so much fun in her play yard. We spent 1 hour out there yesterday and another hour out there today playing. She jumps from activity to activity!!! She also got an Aquadoodle from the Easter Bunny and has been playing with it non stop! She is our little artist!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Life is Great!

Wow! It is so hard to believe how fast the girls are growing up!!!! It feels just like yesterday that Zachary and I got married and moved to Delaware!

Emma is such an amazing little girl! Every day with her is such a joy! She is a great big sister. She helps out by throwing away diapers, putting bottles in the sink, and giving Sophia her pacifier when she is upset. Emma has about 30 words and 25 signs that she uses on a regular basis. We just moved her from her toddler bed to her "Big Girl Bed" last night. She was so excited! We are planning on enrolling her in daycare for two days a week so that she can get some socialization and time away from mommy!

Sophia just turned 2 months on Easter Sunday. It is amazing how children can change in two short months! She is learning to keep her head up for a few seconds and putting up with Emma's constant kisses! :) She is doing much better with her Acid Reflux now that she has been diagnosed and is on medicine. She is also dealing with clogged tear ducts! The poor little girl can't seem to get a break!

Zachary and I are doing well also. Zachary is almost completely healed from his PRK eye surgery that he had in December. He goes for his final check up in June. He will be putting on TSgt in May or June! We are very excited and proud of him! I am planning on going back to school in the fall. I know that it is going to be a challenge...going to school while having two running around the house, but I am up for it!

We have been doing several projects around the house. We have to kept everything in top shape...never know when we are moving! Zachary tore down the old shed that was here when we moved in and had a new one put in, put up a new portion of a privacy fence, gave our brown Alabama grass some TLC, and built the girls a play area. Emma LOVES it! Our next projects include a new back porch, a fire pit area, and lots and lots of landscaping!